For Clinicians: urological catheter resources
We have one of the largest selections of urological catheters from leading manufacturers in the U.S. We’ll work with your patients to provide free samples* to help them find the right type for their needs. Call us or refer a patient below.
Refer a patient
Please complete the form below to refer one of your patients to our product specialists. We will speak with you before contacting the patient.

Why work with us
- We provide the leading manufactured brands of premium intermittent catheters from Bard, Coloplast & Cure just to name a few
- You’ll have one point of contact -VIP Service -Dedicated Area Sales Consultant
- You have the ability to e-prescribe
- Downloadable order form available
- Patient’s supplies will ship promptly
- Translation services are available for over 200 languages
- Free* samples are provided to both clinicians and patients
- You’ll have knowledge that your patient is being well cared for
*Free samples are of nominal value and are shipped with your order and may require a doctor’s prescription, qualification and enrollment. Patient responsible for payments not made by Medicare or Insurance. Co-pays, deductibles and some restrictions and conditions apply. Foley catheter samples are not provided.
Prescription order form
Download and complete this form to request supplies for your patient.
The form includes instructions as well as our contact information.
Download form
Once completed:
Fax: 1-888-205-1558
Or, upload on our Provider Referral page
Insurance information for billing*
* This document is not intended to influence your independent judgement about whether a straight tip catheter, coudé tip catheter, sterile catheter kit or indwelling catheter is medically necessary.
Rather, this document contains suggestions about how you can describe your independent judgement that a straight tip, coudé tip catheter, sterile catheter kit or indwelling catheter is medically necessary.
Patients whose insurance follows Medicare guidelines must be diagnosed with either Permanent Urinary Retention or Permanent Urinary Incontinence.
- Medicare defines “permanence” as a condition expected to last greater than 90 days.
- The patient must have some form of Urinary Retention or Incontinence documented within their medical record as explained above.
Patients whose insurance does not follow Medicare guidelines are subject to the Medical Coverage Criteria of their respective insurer.
The patient’s medical record needs to explicitly state they require Coudé catheters and the medical reason they are not able to use a traditional straight-tipped catheter.
- Medicare does not consider Patient/Clinician preference as a justifiable reason when considering medical necessity.
The most commonly-observed justifications for Coudé Catheters include some form of Urethral Stricture or other anatomical obstruction that makes insertion of a normal straight-tipped catheter to be difficult or outright dangerous for the patient.
Medicare believes Female use of Coudé Catheters is rarely reasonable or necessary. To this effect, the chart notes will need to be comprehensive and explain exactly why they are necessary.
Please provide two positive UTI cultures within the last 12 months with urinalysis and the corresponding chart notes with documented symptoms.
Please ensure that the patient’s history of recurrent UTIs was while using single-use catheters for at least the last 12 months.
Please advise why the patient needs to perform self-catheterization using sterile kits.
- Example: “Patient needs to use the closed system catheter kits for the prevention of future urinary tract infections. Patient must self-cath 5 times a day due to urinary retention.”
All-silicone foley catheters require one or more of the following be documented within the medical record:
- Latex Allergy or Sensitivity
- Frequent Encrustation (blockage) using a regular latex A4338 indwelling catheter.
Note: This only applies to All-silicone Foleys.
- Silicone-Coated Foleys aren’t generally considered a specialty product.
Following the requirement for Coudé Catheters to be justified versus a Straight-tipped catheter, Specialty Externals also require the patient’s medical record to explicitly name and justify why that specific Specialty External Device is necessary. Example of a Specialty External Device includes:
- GeeWhiz External Condom Catheter

Still have questions?
Get in touch. Our specialists are ready and willing to help.
Let us contact you
Fill out the easy form, tell us how we can help, and we’ll be in touch.

Home Health agency referral
Free samples*, continuation of care after discharge, and more —we’re happy to chat about this helpful referral program.
*Free samples are of nominal value and are shipped with your order and may require a doctor’s prescription, qualification and enrollment. Patient responsible for payments not made by Medicare or Insurance. Co-pays, deductibles and some restrictions and conditions apply. Foleys not sampled
More resources
Compare catheter options
Different body types require different catheter care, and we’ve got a variety of products and options from which to choose.
Catheter tips & guides
We’re here to help patients get the most out of their catheter care.